“I started Facebook, and at the end of the day I’m responsible for what happens on our platform” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted after days of the public and government officials waiting for him to speak up about the Cambridge Analytica scandal. “We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you.”
Zuckerberg laid out a slate of changes Facebook will make to prevent past and future abuses of user data by app developers. Those include blocking data access of apps you haven’t used for three months or more, auditing old apps that collected a lot of personal data, reducing the amount of data apps can pull using Facebook Login, requiring a signed contract from developers that want to pull your posts or private data, showing a tool atop the News Feed to help people repeal access to apps, and telling people if their data was misued.
What’s missing from this response is any indication why Facebook didn’t do more to enforce its policy prohibiting apps from sharing user data, or why it took Cambridge Analytica at their word when they said they deleted the data without proper investigation.
We’ll have more details shortly. You can read Zuckerberg’s full post below: